My account got terminated because my brother's did

EDIT: Thanks for the tips. One of my emails managed to fall through and got a human response! My account was reviewed, unbanned, and it apparently won't affect me in the future. I'm ecstatic :)

Hi, so today my younger brother had his account terminated, not sure exactly why but it seemed somewhat justified. However I checked my account and they banned mine too for "circumventing a ban". I understand that it's due to us sharing an IP and automated to ban alt accounts.

But I'd like to know, what are the chances of getting it back? I don't play Roblox as much nowadays but I've had the account since I was little and it holds many memories. Will they be able to manually verify that I'm a different person based on devices/account age/activity? I made an appeal about it saying we're different people but I'm worried I won't have any luck and they just won't care...

Also: IDK if it helps but we've played together before and chatted clearly as separate people over a long period. Can they use this to prove it too? I really want any reason to cling onto hope here.

edit: ive now tried emailing the [email protected] and hoping that's better than the automated system. I explain thoroughly but succinctly that I am not the same person and the ban for my brother doesn't apply to me, but I just get the automated "We HaVE REvIeWed It ANd YoU'Re STiLl In ViOlATioN" which just isn't true in any rational person's brain.

I'm getting so frustrated at this, mostly out of principle.