August Core Update is a Joke!

First, avoid this thread if you are going to say 'wAiT fOr uPdAtE tO RoLloUt cOmpLetely', we heard that enough from Google's John Mu back in March. If you are a Google Apologist, please just ignore the thread.

Google was pretty fast while shadow banning the websites back in March and back in September, took them what? 3 days? On the 5th of march, the update was announced, and most of the websites were shadow-banned by the 7th of March. All we heard was "Wait for the update to rollout, then audit your website" Do this do that, etc etc.

Since September, a lot of publishers have been complaining how they were losing the traffic and keywords with time. Alot of seos made some serious buck during the hcu update too claiming "they can fix it" and no recoveries, i know some publishers who literally deleted half of their blog so that they can recover, they claimed the classifier is running and if you make changes, your website can return, a lot of publishers were optimistic about the march update but it did the exact opposite, shadow banned the entire blogs.

A lot of people just kept mocking each other that your blog deserved it etc, but we all know now it was never about the content, AI paraphrased blogs are still ranking on top, hell even TikTok dominates your blog even when the video is entirely irrelevant there.

People started making changes to their blogs, I even created a new one started from scratch and grew it, I don't think Google understands how much effort content creation requires, because the content they create and the messages they convey are always vague. (a lot of people will disagree I know).

But they have never been clear about the helpful content update, then they just baked the hcu classifier to the core update, but never really conveyed what helpful content really is just "Create content for users, not search" sure that can be interpreted in many ways including not doing any SEO.

Fast forward to August, the core update was announced back in July and we all know the update was being tested already, too much volatility during the month of July and starting of August too, and then 15th of August they rolled out the update and a day passes, housefresh is back (good for them, I love them, they make really good content), I follow a lot of publishers on X. So day passed I saw a lot of publishers who were really vocal about their magazine and how they were wronged, started to recover. They didn't even make much changes to their content. One publisher I know who just left his blog completely and suddenly it revived yesterday.

I haven't seen any gaming or entertainment blog recover yet other than retro-dodo (who were vocal about their blog too). Some travel sites whose publishers were also vocal about their blogs and some entirely random blogs recovered.

Meanwhile, my website and plenty of others I know, our websites are now dying because of this August core update. Keywords just keep declining, it is no more about volatility, it is now straight-up murder in my niche (gaming). Social media posts with no context or Tiktoks with no context are now dominating the serps, especially in the USA region.

It now has come to this, be vocal, get attention, and recover (I don't hold anything against them, I support those bloggers) that they revealed what actually is going on in the serps.

But yeah sure, let's all wait for the update to completely roll out because that is what we can do anyway. My site is Replay Jutsu (feel free to keep auditing and keep defending google)

www. replayjutsu. com/replay-jutsu-shadow-banned-google-core-update-august/