People be getting bold in small ways

I was sitting in my car at Costco Santa Clara eating a cookie when I see this big white ford truck pull into the parking aisle (or whatever it’s called) and find itself in front of an elderly Asian woman walking diagonally across it. He waited no more than a second and honked at her loudly to get out of the way. She looks back and hobbles quickly over to her daughter standing by their car. The man drives off with a smirk saying something to himself.

Now, I as much as the next person get frustrated when people walk in the middle of a parking lot aisle (seriously what are those things called?) but I usually give them a minute to orient themselves and I especially have more patience when it’s the elderly.

As I left the parking lot I wished I’d had better reflexes and hopped out to yell at that guy.

You can’t convince me he didn’t do it because she was an asian. That wasn’t a “gtfo the way” honk. It was a “go back where you come from” honk.