Will TTPD stand the test of time and perceived better in the future?
Like Red and Reputation (or even Lover too) Red when released in 2012 received mixed reviews due to scrunity over her dating life but over the years it is hailed as her best album. Reputation in 2017 similarity polarised media and general public alike due to LWYMMD , Kimye drama ,the snakes, her political stance but over the years it is perceived as cohesive and her best era (album too). Lover was criticised heavy back in the day due to ME! but perceived better due to Cruel Summer, Cornelia Street, DBATC, False God etc.
Considering TTPD was released at the height of her Fame and overexposure,Eras tour,Matty heally,Travis, the infamous grammy announcement and then shady marketing tactics ( variants), will it perceived better as AN ALBUM (or it's songs for that matter)?