What is your *sanest* take?
Yesterday I asked you what your wildest take is and I got a few answers but today I want something different.
What is a take that in your mind is perfectly logical and benign you never see or is controversial because her fans, haters, general public or Taylor herself can’t handle it, I have two!
1) I care about the environment and I want to believe that if I was in her situation I would try to fly commercial as much as possible or at least not intercity/<1 hr lol. Saying that though, I think the media attention her jet usage gets(and other celebs but she’s by far the most talked about) is a psyop. I think media companies are incentivised to laser focus on private jets because it gives us a face to be angry at and point at as the effects of climate change get harder and harder to ignore, ie with the LA fires recently how many viral posts and articles did you see lambasting celebs like Taylor and Kylie Jenner vs the oil and gas industries that are the bulk of emissions? Or a critique of governments globally for not regulating said industries. Realistically all of aviation makes up 4% of carbon emissions with private jets being 1.8% of that, mind you thats still tons of carbon emissions but if Taylor’s and every celeb’s jets disappeared tomorrow the carbon saved wouldn’t be a drop in the bucket. Hyper-focusing on her jet usage does nothing productive and only keeps us angry and uneducated while anyone who could actually change something remain polluting and profiting.
2) Why does everyone assume all her songs are 100% swiftbiblically accurate recounts of her life?? I see so much discourse from fans and haters alike talking about ‘omg this has to be about x but this makes no sense she’s a liar!!1!1’. Why doesn’t it occur to more people that maybe she’s mixing muses/events or hell even making it the hell up like a creative would!