- Likes a girl in a groupchat im in
- Never make my move
- notice that my friend in the gc likes her
- notice that she likes him
- decides to be a gentleman and wingman him to get with her
- they get with each other
- six months go by and no one in the groupchat has ever seen them together in school. (Ive gotten over her by now) Kinda seems like theyre ignoring each other
- asks bro about it and he gets super awkward
- asks her and she gets super awkward
- bro doesnt say anything on the groupchat for the rest of the year
- bro randomly leaves the groupchat
- somehow her and i have a 2 hour conversation last night
- goes well but feels a lil forced
- likes her again
We've talked pretty consistently since then. We dont have a lot in common but shes so fun and i love talking to her. Ive always kinda been the awkward in school so i dont want to tell her directly cuz thatll probably go very wrong. Ive been giving hints tho hoping she'll catch on but nothing has changed and idk what to do