Where would you start with CS reform?

Where would you start with CS reform? Personally, haven given about 30 seconds thought to it here's the first few things I do;

  • Overhaul recruitment, from my perspective there are multiple issues with recruitment, big ones for me are jobs ads that are nothing like the actual job you end up doing and there overall formulaic nature that means you end up recruiting people who are totally incapable of doing the job they applied for often through no fault of their own.
  • Rip up the current pay structure, I hate the consultant complaint, we have consultants as pay bands are totally prohibitive in getting the people we need. If we look at Perm Secs some should be on a million quid year plus when you look at the sheer size and importance of what they're responsible for. (This would also mean most current perm secs wouldn't get through recruitment compared to who would apply)
  • The senior civil servant paradigm, almost every member of SCS I've ever met seems to be some what bumbling partially posh person who went to private school who all sound and operate in the exact same way. See previous two points on how to deal with this.
  • Incentivise Incentivise Incentivise, make performance related pay widespread and allow people to move through bands so they become experts in their fields. Massive issue is people understandably try to move up grades as opposed to progress through grades as this is how you secure more money.
  • Rationalise what the CS actually does - this might be taboo, but I'm adamant we find ourselves in a place where tasks have been built upon tasks have been built upon tasks and as we have poor senior leaders this is never resolved.
  • Invest - Once we got excellent leadership the CS needs huge amounts of investment, if the CS was a PC it would be running on windows XP and that's not our fault.

That's my starter for 10.