Red haired sword lesbian PSA I highly recommend giving Willow (Tv show) a shot [misc]

No really. It exceeded expectations. It’s definitely a little camp but it is also self aware and not meant to be a fantasy that is like game of thrones level of grit but it’s also not just a satire. It has a really great mix of comedy, high stakes and feels. My wife and I laughed out loud lots of times and were very entertained.

But most importantly it has the most satisfying lesbian love story arc out of any live action media I’ve consumed.

Which is really sad when I think about. I forget how starved I am of mainstream queer media until I see it.

The tension between Kit and Jade is very believable and good and their banter/feelings sharing is very good. Their relationship is not the main point of the fantasy but it is entwined enough to make it the show extra amazing and relatable for those of us who don’t get to see ourselves in fantasy very often. It really has a great amount of romance for an action fantasy where romance is not the main point.

And I can’t believe it was made by Disney. The story reads a little like fan fiction in the best way possible and it seems like the writers had no restrictions on how they wanted this story to go. It truly was amazing to get queer coding and oh wait ACTUALLY QUEER. This show was like the exact opposite of queer baiting…never advertised as queer (to my knowledge) and then quickly establishes yes these characters are queer we aren’t just fucking with you

Usually when I say “now kiss, make out” to the tv it never actually happens. And I didn’t quite realize I was a lesbian until college and this is the type of representation that if I would have seen as a kid I would have been like - oh yes that - that’s what I relate to, guess I’m a lesbian, cool cool cool.

So yeah I just feel like this show is probably under appreciated and under advertised (likely because of the queerness).

And of course you don’t have to like it just because it’s queer but I just thought this was a good place to try and give it a boost as this is a community with an appreciation for sword wielding lesbians.

Also here’s a link to an article that I think dose a better job than me at propping it up.