The Greeks, Marlo, and Prop Joe- for anyone who doesn't understand

(I posted this a while back and it was deleted because of a spoiler in the title, so forgive with me if you've read this already.)

One of the most hotly debated story developments in The Wire is why the Greeks ultimately chose to work with Marlo over Joe, effectively signing Joe's death warrant. I have seen people complain about this many, many times on this sub, arguing that the Greeks would never do such a thing. Their decision always made perfect sense to me. Here's why.

First of all, it's important to understand that the Greeks did not give Marlo permission to kill Joe by agreeing to work with him. It's implied that whether the Greeks agreed to work with Marlo or not, Marlo was going to kill Joe anyway. Joe was a fucking dead man. Dead dead dead. Dead as a doornail, deader than disco. Marlo wants the Greeks' good heroin, but he doesn't need it. If he can't have it, nobody will. He'll burn the whole kingdom down just to rule over the ashes.

So the Greeks are left with two choices- work with Marlo, or say no to Marlo and then be stuck with no distribution for their heroin. That is not a hard choice to make. The Greek himself refers to Marlo as "insurance."

But then people ask, why didn't the Greeks warn Joe, or help Joe kill Marlo? The answer is because the Greeks simply don't do that. They don't get involved with the affairs of the Baltimore gangs. They operate from the shadows and don't concern themselves with street level dealings. There is no universe in which the Greeks were going to directly intervene in a conflict between Joe and Marlo.

(Side note, the last time I posted this, some of the responses I got argued that the Greeks sending Sergei to intimidate Cheese disproves this point, and that this is an example of the Greeks directly intervening in gang affairs. To which I say, apples and oranges. Sending one goon to intimidate another goon as a favor to Nick, who Spiros is clearly enamored with, is light years away from taking sides in a full-blown gang war between two kingpins. The two scenarios are not comparable.)

Then the argument always shifts to how "reliable" Joe was and how they would never work with someone erratic like Marlo. Here is the crucial thing that everyone seems to overlook.

Joe was NOT reliable anymore. The Greeks had lost confidence in Joe and were genuinely impressed with Marlo.

Think about this. First, Joe lost AN ENTIRE SHIPMENT. That alone is enough to get most people killed. Second, and this is even more important. Joe had to have Spiros vouch to Marlo that Joe himself didn't steal the shipment. Now, the degree to which Joe really debased and humiliated himself in this scene is something that I think gets totally overlooked by most viewers. Joe demonstrated to the Greeks right then and there that he was terrified of Marlo. Joe showed them clear as day that he was weak and Marlo was strong. The Greeks would never look at Joe the same after that.

So this ties back to the question- why didn't the Greeks warn Joe? Because Joe showed them that he was a coward. Do you think if the Greeks had warned him, Joe would then go to war with Marlo directly? Not in a million years. We know EXACTLY what Joe would have done. He would have fled the city. Do you know how we know this for sure? Because that's exactly what he's doing when Marlo and Chris show up at his house to kill him.

As for Marlo himself, the Greek was clearly impressed with him. When he says to Spiros that "If we were to tell him no, he will still come back. This he shows us." There is far more implied here than just that Marlo won't take no for an answer. There is genuine admiration in the Greek's voice. It took brains, guts, and ingenuity to even engineer a meeting with the Greeks. None of the other Baltimore gangsters could even conceive of something like that, let alone actually do it. The Greek probably sees Marlo as a very talented and ambitious entrepreneur with high potential. Maybe he even sees a little of himself in Marlo, as Spiros had with Nicky Sobotka in season 2. Also, listen to the way Spiros speaks with Marlo as well. Spiros actually tells Marlo to his face that he's an "honorable man." Have we ever heard Spiros treat anyone else with such respect at any other point in the series?

As for the potential risk of working with Marlo, honestly, what do they have to be afraid of? How much risk is it really to them? The Greeks are a protected asset of the FBI and are basically above the law. Marlo doesn't know anything that could greatly compromise them anyway. If he works out, great. If he turns out to be reckless, then what the hell do they care? They just find someone else to work with, which is exactly what they end up doing.

It may seem out of character for the Greeks to choose Marlo over Joe, but only at a superficial glance. If you look at all of the context, I think it's easy to see why the Greeks would decide that it's time for some new blood.