Any (other) times Todd interpreted the lyrics or meaning of a song plain wrong?
We've had a lot of "what do you disagree with Todd on" threads, but what about times where he is, in your opinion, objectively interpreting something wrong?
I say this because I'm still baffled by his assessment of Lukas Graham's 7 years. I also didn't like the song, to be clear. But in it, there's a lyric that goes something like "being 12 and smoking weed and drinking burning liquor". Then Todd goes on a charade about how that's some bullshit, no one starts drinking at 12, and how that's a pathetic thing to lie and brag about.
That's... very sheltered. Not only is Lukas Graham from a famously "lawless commune" in Copenhagen that sells weed in the open (still illegal) and is constantly raided by police, and talks about that a lot - surely there are rough neighborhoods in the USA too, where some pre-teens might start drinking alcohol and smoking? Also, he wasn't trying to brag. It was pretty clearly painted as sad.
Any other examples like that?