AITA for breaking up with my almost fiancé because of baby fever?
I (24f) and my boyfriend (A) are getting engaged. Since A proposed the idea of us getting engaged, he has been obsessed with us having children before marriage. His thinking is that it would be magical to get engaged, have a kid, and have them already be born to attend our wedding and have beautiful memories. I do not. Not for any specific reason accept that I think it's illogical to have a young child to take care of on my wedding day. It doesn't seem like such a magical day when you have to take care of the child. And yes, I have talked to him about this several times after he kept bringing it up on multiple occasions using different approaches. Like after we have sex, he'll just rub my stomach and say: "It'll be so fun to have our little one at our wedding", or going silent until I ask what's wrong and he would argue with me about me not wanting to have a baby with him and our child attending our wedding.
Yesterday, I was curled up on the couch scrolling on TikTok when A sent me a few dozen pictures and links. When I opened them, they were all clear brands of maternity clothes, pictures of baby toys, baby clothes and other with a laughing emoji after. I assumed he was just joking since he knows how I feel about this topic.
The problem came night before last. He'd decided he wanted to have sex since we didn't the night before to "compensate" (his words, not mine.) for the lack of intimacy. I said fine. But when he was putting on the condom, I saw a huge hole in on the side of the condom after he put it on. I told him that I wouldn't be having sex with him if he used the damaged condom. He told me it would be fine and to "trust him". We argued back and forth until he blew up on me. He yelled that I was cheating our future child out of beautiful memories and that I didn't want to have a baby with him and said that it wasn't a big deal since we agreed on having kids in the future. I personally don't understand why it was such a big deal, but when I told my best friend, she said it was insensitive to not think about what A wanted at his special day and for his future. I haven't talked to him since and I'm so exhausted.
What do I do?