Where would you go from here? Slowly growing pension and investment contributions.

I’ve read the flowchart and seem to be on the right track but as a bit of a financial newbie, there are a lot of people here who seem to have worthwhile knowledge.

I’m a 29M working full time earning £50k + a £3k annual car allowance. My employer contributes 4% and I contribute a further 7% to a Mixed Investment Aviva Pension. I own my car outright and have relatively low debts (phone, small finance deals etc.) which I pay off without any issues.

I have £8,250 invested in Premium Bonds but I’ll be pulling £2k from this soon for an upcoming trip abroad. I also recently stuck £2k into a Vanguard S&P 500 Accumulator.

I have no dependents so it’s not difficult putting money away once monthly costs are considered. On a good month I can put £1k into either my Premium Bonds or Vanguard.

How am I doing and what would you change?