Valve index tracking randomly cutting out

Hi, I just got a brand new index from valve since after 3 years of using my old one the cord finally kicked the dust. But ever since I got my index the headset has randomly started to give a white screen and tracking will cut out for a couple of seconds.

I never had this problem before I got the new one, but now it’s frequent and annoying. I’ll link a picture of my whole setup below just to show that there isn’t any really reflective stuff to mess it up. In the photo you can’t see the base stations, but just know I have too of them and they are in opposite corners of the room.

I did rearrange my setup and get a new desk while I was waiting for my index to come back, but if anything I should get better tracking since I removed a giant reflective tv from my room.

Hi, I just got a brand new index from valve since after 3 years of using my old one the cord finally kicked the dust. But ever since I got my index the headset has randomly started to give a white screen and tracking will cut out for a couple of seconds.

I never had this problem before I got the new one, but now it’s frequent and annoying. I’ll link a picture of my whole setup below just to show that there isn’t any really reflective stuff to mess it up. In the photo you can’t see the base stations, but just know I have too of them and they are in opposite corners of the room.

I did rearrange my setup and get a new desk while I was waiting for my index to come back, but if anything I should get better tracking since I removed a giant reflective tv from my room.