Easy method to stop addiction

Hello guys, I am here to present to you my method to stop beeing addicted/dependant to drugs and everything

So first of all what I believe to be addiction: Many many people think that addiction is only from substances where I believe it is more of a mental state. Addiction come from needing a solution from a pre existing problem, example: where I live, in Italy, everyone starts their day with a coffee, after they eat coffee, they feel tired? Coffee, people can drink 4/6 coffees a day and not see the problem. Being and addict is about thinking that something exteriors from us (that is not always a material substance like a drug or food for example but also less material things such as sex or even phone)

While I think you don’t need to be a genius to understand and know that I think that most of us forget that you are not addicted to the substance per se but you are addicted to the results you reach with that substance. You know that when you do that specific think your will reach your goal effortlessly, taking again for example coffe, you know that while you can still focus and work without it taking coffe will make it easier, it’s a solution to a problem

So how do you erase the addiction ? The first step is understanding where are your problems coming from, it seems easy but let me tell you it took me ages, I know realise that even small events from the past that I forgot about where still hounting me deep deep depo inside me and where the reasons I was taking drugs. I just had so much repressed emotions that I always put down and never confronted that the only way I could feel normal was to take drugs that helped me reduce the feelings. I love beeing high but why ? Because it was a way to escape my responsibilities it was a way to enjoy life.

I think that here there a 0 peoples that haven’t had traumatic experiences and when I say traumatic I mean actions that affected us deeply where it could be as far as loosing a loved one but also things that could look insignificant like not having anyone to look up to or even someone you could say it was your best friend. Only you can know what really affected you where some people could laugh at your face and say it’s nothing other people could be touched and understand what even minor things affect us especially in a young age.

What I am saying here is that beeing and addict is a state of mind, it’s always looking g for a answer somewhere else than beside inside of you whether is motivation to live or motivation to study

I think that the are 3 main ways to quit something: 1 stop taking the substance, I think it’s the most useless way as you won’t erase the problem and you’ll just find yourself another addiction maybe more accepting by society but the feeling inside of you won’t disappear

2 having a psychologist to help you understand what affected you and understand better yourself, probably the best way but not everyone has access to a psychologist and there are risk from judgement and misconceptions that could lead to not resolving the situation

3 psychedelics: personally I thinks it’s the most effective and what I did (honestly it would take another post to explain my experience but let me tell you it cured the fuck out of me ) there are so many resources that shows the benefits and how it will help you so look them up, there are also risk associated with them but nothing come without them.

I hope this post helps someone, this is just my point of view so it not a truth, if you are motivated to do something you will do it never doubt yourself we are more than just animals that have needs, we are concius beeing capable of shaping our own future never forget that

Much love, don’t hesitate to ask question or even challeng my point of view I would love to know what you think

My questions for you Do you guys think that taking drugs occasionally is not beeing sober ? Do you think that even if you stop taking drugs you will always be an addict? What are you ways to cope with addiction ?