Help with understanding Techem bill - excess charges ?

Last year's heating/water settlement bill (assessment year 2023) had been bothering me since a while and wanted to look into the details. I had a couple of questions if someone can help me with clarifying them?

  • Picture 1 and 2: The consumption numbers under "Evolutie van de verbruiken over 24 maanden" between Dec' 22 and Nov' 23 adds up to 886 units of consumption. And that is what is printed next to the bar graphs for 'warmteverdelers' for 2023. Additionally, the normalized number is 1049 units. However, in picture 2, the cost description lists 105 units of fixed consumption. How is this number figured out? Do you have any thoughts on it? Even if I add those 105 units to the 886 units, it still doesn't come out to 1049.
  • From the graphs it looks like my heating consumption has increased in 2023 (40 m2 studio) and I am surprised it has more than doubled. How to check if heating costs are correct or there are problems with that ?

picture 1

picture 2

  • Picture 3: I am a bit puzzled with indices of the water consumption. The indices on the techem bill are 4 digits, but in my physical meter (both hot and cold water) the first digit is zero. Essentially, my meters have 3 digits (in black color), then a comma, and then 3 more digits (in red color). So how do the 3 digit system (on the physical meter) translate/map to the 4 digit system on the techem bill ? Do I consider one of the red digits on the physical meter as well ?

picture 3

I see that I have a very high hot water consumption (3 times higher than building average - graphs on picture 1) and probably cold water as well. I already checked my meters, checked the numbers before going to bed and then checked them next morning (did no consumption overnight and none of my taps or wc/shower leak), but the meter numbers moved. Since the bill is from assessment year 2023, I am assuming this issue persisted throughout 2024 and I am going to get a similar high bill this year as well. So I am going to call de watergroep and/or techem. Do you have any general suggestions/advice regarding sorting this issue ?