Husband is making me angry
It’s nearly 2 AM, I am up pumping by myself - LO is sleeping finally, and then there is my husband. I love him but his snoring is the absolute worst. Before our baby was born I begged for a long time to go see a doctor, he did - sleep apnea of course, he has a CPAP machine but finds every fucking excuse in the world not to use it, it’s not comfortable for him etc.. I have been asking him for a while to reach back out to his doctor for help but he just doesn’t do it. At this point he usually stays in the guest room 99% of the time (and I still hear his snoring from there too) but his mom is coming to visit so he is back in the bedroom. I am sleep deprived already, LO is a horrible sleeper and I have to put up with his snoring on top of it. I am just so angry that this is not a priority for him, especially when sleep apnea is so dangerous. Any time I bring it up he says he will fix jt but nothing ever happens. I just don’t know what to do with him, I just need to vent because I am so mad right now.