My partner wants a second baby, but i'm happy?
So I am a working mom of a wonderful, bright, independent, amazing baby girl. And I love her SO MUCH!
I guess I'm just worried the second baby will disrupt this happiness?
I think of the post oartum time and it was so hard. I'm medicated now and I'm in a WAY better head space than I was when we conceived our first, but the idea of feeling Like that again is so scary.
He is such a good, supportive, amazing dad and I have a great set of inlaws, who are my friends, family and great grandparents.
I don't know why I'm so hesitant. I would love another baby but I love my toddler so much, idk if I'm ready to share that with another person.
I don't want her to be an only child, and she is so affectionate, amd she loves babies so it feels like a good time to add another. Ahhhhhh why am I so torn?