How do i deal w my emo ahh friend

So basically i met this dude during the presents event we became friends he js reached second sea and started begging me for fruits acting all emo and shit i felt bad cs he used light so i gave him venom he ignored that and started asking for my dough and gas so i gave him my dough and he ate it then mf starts begging for me more fruits cs he had shitty fruits for trading and wanted smth like a venom or portal or buddha idk wtf happend to the first venom i gave him but whenever he joins me he starts begging and starts acting all emo like no one wants to trade w me and everyone hates me with spamming this emo cringe ahh ":(" so should i js give him a fruit so he finally stfu or js keep on ignoring him like bros expecting to get a kit with shit like spider n quake