Back 2 back calls.

To me it's inhumane to have agents taking calls without any time to breathe between calls for 8 hrs straight. It feels like slavery to me. At my job, as soon as one call ends, a new one comes in immediately. There are times when I just need a minute, just a minute to sip my water or regroup after being disrespected by the last caller.

I have asked my coach plenty of times and of course she doesn't give a damn because she's not on the phones. She says, the company pays you to take calls and every minute you're not on the phones, the company is losing money. This is bs to me. There used to be times where we'd have slow days but now that they've gotten rid of a lot of agents, everyday is a busy day, even on the weekends and holidays.

My goal this year is to find a non phone wfh job. I'm sick of talking to people everyday. The protocols they have set up for how you deal with these people who are cursing, belittling, and telling you how highly educated they are as if you're beneath also bs. I don't get paid enough. If I could tell these entitled mfk'rs what I really think, the job might not be so bad.