Just realised what Mizrak means...

So Mizrak means spear in turkish. Famously the knights of malta / the knights of St Jhon were mortal enemies with the turkish empire. There are quotes of Suliman the 1st (the sultan during the time of the great siege of malta that would have been before the knights fled to france) where he calls them the scum of the earth and he'd burn down the med to purge them etc etc.

So I really like the idea of Mizrak's origin being a turkish local who converted to christianity when they were in Rhodes and joined the order. It would be EXTREMELY rare for this to happen, as a standard rule to join the knights was to be of european nobility, and there was a hefty entry fee to join the order etc etc. Which I think again just makes it all the more compelling.

I've only watched 1 episode of season 2 so far, so I don't know if this has been elaborated on, though with how much stuff is set up for the season already I kinda doubt they'll have time to go into his back story.