I HATE my boyfriend’s cats!

Ok I need to rant. I love my boyfriend so much and he’s amazing and we don’t live together but I hate all of his cats! He has four (four too many) and I hate going to his place because there’s cat hair everywhere and you literally can’t clean it up. I’m also mildly allergic to cats and I get itchy if I’m around them. His whole family loves cats and two of them are family cats that he took. I hate going to his place bc of them but my apartment is so crammed and I have a roommate. He can’t get rid of the cats because they’re his family’s. I hate them they’re so gross and their hair gets everyone and they rub their nasty buttholes on everything. I HATE how they rub on everything it’s so gross! They rub their heads on my shoes, cabinets, everything!! And THE WORST OF ALL whenever my boyfriend closes the door to his room because he knows I don’t like the cats these mfs will paw and scratch at the door and they’re so loud about it!! And then they start meowing loud ugh it’s awful. And they always try to follow me in the bathroom and when they’re successful they jump on the SINK COUNTER 🤮🤮 while i’m brushing my teeth! I hate cats so much they’re so gross. I wish he didn’t have any but he always gets sad when I say how I hate cats.