A study from Germany in 2022 showed that 20 percent of women and men regret having children

While 80% of those people WANTED these children. Only 73 percent of all people would have children again if they could decide again and this includes 7% of the people who don’t even regret having their children.

Imagine not wanting children at all and you for whatever reason get pressured to do it and your life is just ruined when even people who chose this regret it.

It’s baffling to me that everybody acts like oh yeah parenthood is the best thing ever when 1/5 people regret it and wouldn’t do it again. Like come on.… this is about people under 44 and even at the age of 55 the rate of regret was still 17% so just slightly lower.

Edit: This study was not anonymous so I wouldn’t be surprised if the numbers were higher