My dick isn't that big.
My dick isn't that big, it's only around seven inches. I mean, it's a LITTLE longer than seven inches, but come on, who mentions decimals when talking about their dick size? Anyway, people that try to add to their dick size with that kinda bullshit are assholes anyway. But I'm just saying, if you were to ACTUALLY measure my dick, it'd be around 7.534 inches. So about 8 inches if you round up. But if you measured starting from the balls and not the base, it would be around 9. Think about it, when you're about to have your cock sucked by someone, they're looking at your WHOLE dick, not just the shaft. But if we divided 9 by 10, it would be 0.9, which is NOT a perfect integer. And since 0.9 can be rounded, we can round it to 1, which becomes 10 once we return the equation to its original state by multiplying it by 10. But you also have to carry the one, which makes it 11. But since I have obsessive-compulsive disorder, I need to keep things nice and even so I'll round it to 12 just to be safe. But since 12 inches is a foot, that means along with my two feet, I ACTUALLY have 3 feet. But I forgot to mention earlier, I'm actually 6 feet 3 inches tall, and if you add those two values together, you get my ACTUAL, UNADULTERATED, AND AUTHENTIC dick length of 36 feet and 3 inches long (about 11.049 meters for you non-imperial folks). I still wish it was just a little bigger though.