I cant get over how little Nu Tawna fits the Crash universe

What were they thinking? Its a series full of the most bizarre and outlandish characters ever put in games and then theres this generic action girl stereotype complete with dyed side cut.

In the entire series I cant think of one serious or "dark" moment, then she has the most ludacrousily grim backstory played straight.

Then theres the fact thats shes made to replace not just one, but TWO fan favourite characters. She pushes Crunch out of the older sibling role and steals Nina's gameplay mechanic.

I seriously cant get over what an L she is and Im very nervous she's now just permenantly around for good.

What were they thinking? Its a series full of the most bizarre and outlandish characters ever put in games and then theres this generic action girl stereotype complete with dyed side cut.

In the entire series I cant think of one serious or "dark" moment, then she has the most ludacrousily grim backstory played straight.

Then theres the fact thats shes made to replace not just one, but TWO fan favourite characters. She pushes Crunch out of the older sibling role and steals Nina's gameplay mechanic.

I seriously cant get over what an L she is and Im very nervous she's now just permenantly around for good.