This is in my book, just sharing with the internet

Chapter 3

I was having a conversion With my friend where I said I don’t think talking about your emotions arent as deep of conversation as talking about your thoughts. What do you think about that? I’m asking you, the reader. Then I thought about it a little more and I said talking about your emotions is like shitting, as in an action of relief. The shit you take was once at one point the food you ate, and after it goes through the process of digestion being stripped of its nutrients and everything important it becomes shit. In the same way as to how your emotions are the products of an environment you were once in in a state that you are not in anymore, you absorb information instead of nutrients this time. Through sight, smell, taste, hearing, and touch. It’s like having five mouths feeding one stomach. Not to say shit isn’t important. Like I said, it’s an action of relief. Where would we be if we had to keep all that shit since the day you was born inside. How soon would we start dropping due to the emotional constipation? We need a digestive system to flush that shit out. What else do we do with our shit? We fertilize. The shit nurses seeds with nutrients that inspire growth. It helps the seeds grow but is it not still shit? What if sprouting through the manure is the process of samsora and nirvana is finally breaking through and basking in the new to you sunlight. What are those seeds? Before I got into that, I got a couple anecdotes that would fit here.

Chapter 4 Do you know where the term “bullshit” comes from? The way we use the term it means words or ideas that hold no value, nothing informational, nothing credible, etc. It comes from the use of fertilizer, at least from what I’ve heard. Apparently the fertilizer we use for gardening uses the manure from female cows instead of the waste from the male bulls because the nutrients that promote growth seem to only be found in the manure of the female cows. The waste of the bull’s don’t seem to have the same nutritional value, hence the term “bullshit”.

Chapter 5 It reminds me of reading about an experiment of study involving flowers or plants. While growing the plants, nice and encouraging things were said to one plant while mean and discouraging things were said to another. The plant that heard positive things grew at a faster rate. Does that mean that hearing the negative things had no effect on the other plant? What if because of the fact that they were testing only for the rate of growth they ignored other factors? What if hearing negative comments made the pollen richer? Or did it have any effect on any fruits, leaves, or petals? What if it improved its defense against potential threats, like those plants that close up when someone touches them? Do you want to know what inspired the last question? I was at the museum of science and a friend of mine thought it was neat how some plants’ petals would fold up as a defense mechanism whenever someone comes too close to it. A lot of people thought it was neat, it was basically part of the tourist attraction. But I couldn’t bring myself to touch it because it’s literally trying with everything it has to not be touched, and niggas keep touching it. Don’t take that as some vegan philosophy shit, it’s more like respecting the plant in the way I respect Hawaii. I know people are going to keep touching the plant, and I have no right to tell people what to do, but I personally got to respect the plant’s effort to be left the fuck alone, because it do be like that. That was quite the tangent, but yeah- that’s what inspired the last question. I may or may not have taken shrooms before that museum trip.

Chapter 6 One more thing, have you ever heard the story of the cows vs the buffalo when it comes to the storm? When a storm is on the horizon, cows instinctively try to run away from it, heading in the opposite direction. However, by doing this, they prolong their exposure to the storm, as it eventually overtakes them and they end up moving along with it, making the experience last longer and increasing their discomfort. Buffaloes, on the other hand, react very differently. Instead of fleeing, they turn and charge directly into the storm. By doing so, they pass through it more quickly. While the initial confrontation with the storm may seem more daunting, it results in a shorter time spent in the harsh conditions. The story serves as a metaphor for how we deal with life’s difficulties. Running away from problems can make them linger and worsen, while facing them head-on, though tough at first, often leads to faster relief and personal growth. I wanted to include these anecdotes here to sow the idea that the rose that grows from concrete is the rose that faced the bullshit of samsora head-on. Now back to what I was saying about seeds.

Chapter 7 “Acorn, becomes a tree. Acorn, becomes a tree.” -Double D I think those seeds are thoughts and talking about your thoughts is planting seeds. Your thoughts are seeds but they’re also pollen. If anything they’re pollen first, in the context that the mind is a garden and your brain is a flower that serves as that garden. Which would make the words you speak going to the ears of whom you speaking to be the bees carrying pollen from one flower to the next. Who knows what the combination of dominants and recessives the new pollen carries just like who knows the what is and the how’s it influences to every word they hear? Every spring there’s new tongues to speak and new morals to preach A farmer who plants seeds is a farmer who sows for fruits to reap. You have to know what you’re trying to grow. What crop you are trying to grow. For example, did anybody notice the double negative at the top of chapter 3? This whole conversation started with comparing emotions to shit and grew into something greater.