UPDATE: The OCE ragehacker ban rate is currently.............
An increase of 0.9% from 2.5%
See my previous post for context.
During the week I added a further 71 accounts, bringing the number of obvious ragehackers found on OCE servers to 612.
We have 6 more visible bans this week, bringing the total number of visible bans to 21.
Since I started these posts (1 month ago with weekly updates) the ban % has increased from 0.3% to 3.4%.
That being said, there are obvious rage hackers that have been cheating for months without consequence (see OCE entire top15).
Stay tuned for regular updates on how well VAC is working!
If you have found any obvious ragehackers on OCE servers, feel free to message me and I can add them to the list (They will be verified first)