FINALLY found a way to manage my son’s eczema!
My son has been struggling with moderate/severe eczema since he was 6 weeks old (currently 14 months old). I’ve tried all the holy grail eczema creams, from cheap to very expensive. Everything has either made it worse or kept it the same. Even plain old Vaseline makes him itch like crazy. We use a water filter for the bath. He only wears 100% organic cotton. Wash his clothes twice (second cycle just water). We don’t use any soaps/cleansers when he bathes because they all irritate his skin more. None of this has helped!
At 6 months we started seeing a derm (after failed treatment with OTC & prescription strength hydrocortisone). He started using fluocinolone which worked well for a while but then he started getting more areas with eczema than before and as soon as we stopped using the med the spots would come back, like the next day. Recently the derm prescribed him mometasone and tacrolimus along with bleach baths 3 x a week. I started the bleach baths but held off on the meds because I was hesitant on using a stronger steroid. His skin got insanely bad and bleach baths weren’t doing much. I read a thread on here about the importance of skin pH and how ppl with eczema tend to be more alkaline whereas normal skin tends to be slightly acidic. After more research I read about apple cider vinegar baths and how it can help lower the skins pH but also works as an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory. I decided to try it and told myself if it didn’t help I would just use the meds because at this point my son was miserable. I swear the very next day his skin was 80% better and now a week later it’s completely clear and soft as ever. I swear his skin has never been this soft. It’s only been a week so I’m crossing my fingers this will continue to help and I won’t need to use steroids.
I forgot to mention that he’s seen an allergist as well and confirmed a few allergies, which we’ve avoided, but this didn’t improve his eczema either.