Does Osho and his philosophy fall under Sanatana Dharma?

Asking this because there are many who call him a "neo-sannyasin" and at the same time there are many who point out fallacies in what he preaches. Hence wondering if at all he and his philosophy come under Sanatana Dharma in the first place, and if they do, what darshana (Hindu hilosophy) would it be under, or would it be a seperate darshana itself.

Asking this because there are many who call him a "neo-sannyasin" and at the same time there are many who point out fallacies in what he preaches. Hence wondering if at all he and his philosophy come under Sanatana Dharma in the first place, and if they do, what darshana (Hindu hilosophy) would it be under, or would it be a seperate darshana itself.