I somtimes feel resentful of my parents for not giving me and my siblings a better life.
I know this is horrible to say. They're trying their best with our current situation, but I can't help but feel angry.
We've been evicted and homeless (stayed in motels) a few times because they couldn't afford rent. While we never straved, there's been times where we barely have any food in the house. It's so miserable. I'm tired of always being worried about their financial situation and whever or not we'll be okay. I know my siblings feel the same.
When I turn 18 I know they're going to expect me to help with bills. I wouldn't mind, but they take most of my sister's paycheck. I know they're going to do the same to me. The only way to get out feels like the military (too mentally ill) or college. (I don't know what I want to do.) It feels like im just going to be stuck helping them and be left with nothing to start my own life.
We wouldn't be in this situation if they didn't stay working at dead end jobs. They live paycheck to paycheck and it'll probably be like that for the rest of their life. They're around 50 and don't have anything saved up.
Sorry if this is poorly written. It's late and I just need to get this off my chest.