Hearts2Hearts' debut song is so underwhelming

I was hoping for a more experimental sound, but they went with a safe, prototypical 'easy listening' style that sounds very redundant to my ears. My biggest gripe with the song is the pre-chorus and chorus. It's essentially all talk-singing without any melodic variation. It can work sometimes when the instrumental is loud and boisterous but that is clearly not the case with this one. In my opinion, there's nothing as lazy as relying on talk-singing in a song. I am so baffled by the decision made by SM's A&R team.

It's not necessarily be-all end-all but a strong, resonating debut song can skyrocket a group's popularity and momentum. They are an SM group and I'm sure they'll have a successful career but I expected more from a SM GG debut.

I guess it's too early to judge and I may be part of the minority but after having listened to the song 3 times, my opinion hasn't changed. I'd like to know what you guys think about the song.