Has he ever used YOUR phone?

My PA is supposedly a few months clean, I feel like he’s doing good but I have a gut feeling he’s lying about his sobriety. He works rotating shifts and whenever he is on shift, he is alone for 8 hours. I first found out about it once he started this job. He said he was “lonely” & “bored” which is why he started falling into the habit. I found out, after my birthday, that he had been searching up tiktok girls dancing & everything. He said that he read somewhere that he should “wean” off of porn and which is why he did that. We decided to use an accountability app, Truple, and it seems to be working fine.

Anyways, I’ve noticed MY instagram & twitter feed have obsessively become sexual & my Instagram feed on my search page are all just of thick girls dancing & wearing revealing clothes, while twerking and whatnot. Like you would think I was the PA here lol. Nothing but those videos, though. I will refresh the page and even more will come.

I want to ask him, but I don’t trust that he will tell the truth. He has lied before, countless times. I would just like to have evidence of him doing this before I do, so I don’t look like a crazy person also lol. Do you guys have any recommendations on what to do? Is there anything I can do on my Instagram, or iphone?