How frequently do they want it?
I’m entirely exhausted and feeling like a literal sex object now. My PA is wanting sex 2 and sometimes now 3 times a day.I put my foot down in November and we had Truple up until 2 weeks ago cant afford it Now he claims his porn usage is damn near non existent except for one slip about 5 days ago I don’t buy that for a second. We had sex twice last night and he wanted more about 4 hours later. Every time I say no he literally tells me that he is going to look at porn because I’m rejecting him and making him feel unattractive and I should be happy he came to me first instead of porn. It’s always “You don’t love me.” “It ok I know you don’t think I’m attractive “ “why can’t we have sex? Oh you don’t wanna have sex with me right? I know you’re horny.” He literally claims to hear me masturbating in the bathroom if I even dare to close the door. How often do y’all’s husbands beg y’all for sex? And do they ever beg for sex just to not be able to stay erect? Like damn not only are you looking at other women but you can’t stay hard for me? I used to kiss you and that’s all it took to get you going. Sorry for the rant but come on wouldn’t most men dream of having sex once a day? 3 times EVERY SINGLE DAY is not realistic right????