Summarizing the events between DDS3 and Born Again and explaining the overall timeline and how Born Again fits in the MCU [SPOILERS for Episodes 1 and 2]
Born Again's Placement in the official MCU Timeline
The official placement of the show in the MCU timeline is after Agatha All Along which takes place in October 2026.
The first episode (apart from the prologue) leads up to the day of the mayoral elections in early November, thus it MUST take place in late October/early November 2026, right after Agatha.
This puts episode 2 in early January 2027, just as Fisk is sworn in as Mayor on New Year's Day.
Vanessa says in episode 2 that Fisk left "a couple of years ago" in order to heal after Echo shot him in the head. This lines up pretty well with Hawkeye's officially confirmed placement in Christmas 2024, because that would mean Fisk was missing for almost exactly 2 years by the time he came back and decided to run for Mayor.
This also lines up with Foggy's death being in late October 2025, because it must take place AFTER She-Hulk (which canonically takes place in Summer 2025), seeing as Matt was happy and still Daredevil when we saw him back then.
Echo is also confirmed to take place during late May-early June 2025, 6 months after Hawkeye.
That means that there's 1.5 years between the end of Echo and the time Fisk announces he's running for Mayor, which doesn't line up with the actual NYC mayoral elections which take place in November 2025, not November 2026 (although we can already surmise from Brave New World that the blip must have messed up the elections timeline). It also doesn't line up with the end of Echo, where the news anchor said that it's pretty late in the mayoral race for a new candidate to pop up, but that was 1.5 years before the actual elections.
So the timeline lines up almost perfectly apart from a line at the end of Echo which, we can put aside for now.
Bridging the gap between DDS3 and DD:BA. What happens in-between?
Fisk goes to prison at the end of DDS3 in November 2017. Matt promises to not go after Vanessa if Fisk stays in prison and ceases all his illegal activities.
Somehow, Fisk escapes prison during the blip and he hires the Tracksuits again to build his empire up from scratch.
Matt also survives the blip, but we don't know exactly why he doesn't go after Vanessa as he promised. The most likely scenario/theory/headcanon is that Vanessa got blipped and Fisk probably managed to escape during the chaos of the blip.
In 2021, Fisk tips Ronin off to kill William Lopez, the head of the Tracksuits, most likely to get Clint off his own back. A consequence of this is Maya rising up to be the next leader of the Tracksuits and trying to get revenge on Ronin. Fisk sends Maya on her first official mission and Matt tries to intercept her.
2 years later, the blip is reversed and 1 year after that, in December 2024, the events of Hawkeye take place which ends with Maya shooting Fisk on the face after learning the truth about her father's death.
Fisk disappears in order to heal and Vanessa has to take the lead on his criminal empire. She manages to mask it into a legit enterprise and legalize all its profits.
6 months later, in late May 2025, Fisk goes to Oklahoma to find Maya again and ask for forgiveness. Maya touches Fisk with her healing powers at the end of the show and shows him what a monster he had been, deeply affecting his psyche. Fisk decides to change his ways in order to hide away the monster that he used to be and leave a better legacy behind him.
One month later, in July 2025, Matt goes to LA to get a few new suits made and meets She-Hulk. 3 months after that, in late October 2025, Foggy is shot dead by Bullseye and Matt gives up on being Daredevil.
1 years later, in October 2026, Fisk returns to NYC with enough signatures to apply to run for mayor and a large percentage of the public sees him as a messiah who has come to save them, despite his turbulent past. He is elected a few days later and 2 months after that, on January 1st 2027, he is sworn in office and starts his term.
The rest of Born Again takes place in early 2027, and might even stretch to March 2027, considering a set photo has revealed a March 2027 date. This is still BEFORE the events of Brave New World which takes place in Mid-Late April 2027.