Hi Guys,

I'm in a little bit of a funk here... I'm currently an MLT and I have my Bach of Science in Biology and Chemistry. So I took one of the routes for me to sit for my MLS Exam. First try after 2.5 years out of school and no studying just tried to crunch like 2 days before and failed horribly... like score of 258. So discouraged I then planned to study 3 months in advance, scheduled it for December of 2021. Close to exam date and my car gets a hit and run. I'm stressed not studying anymore dealing with life problems... I take my scheduled exam and I fail once again... scored 368. I'm so sad, I don't know how to go about studying anymore, I'm discouraged because I failed not only once but twice now...

Can anyone on here tell me how they studied? If they went this same route what did they do to prepare themselves again for this exam.

I'm not sure, I just need some advice. Anything.

Thank you!