Songs that are emotionally wrecking.

Songs that devastate you. I’m talking about the ones you listen to alone at 3am staring at your ceiling. The songs that you think are just straight up emotional damage.

Here’s some of mine: The Other Woman - Lana Del Rey

Abbey - Mitski (honestly, all of her music but I’m trying to be unbiased)

Comfortably Numb - Pink Floyd

Black - Pearl Jam

Hurt - Johnny Cash

Daddy - Coldplay

Be Quiet and Drive(Far Away) - Deftones

No Surprises - Radiohead

Remembrance - Balmorhea

Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now - The Smiths

Gained The World - Morcheeba

Love Like Ghosts - Lord Huron

Berlinists - Singing Until Our Voices Get Lost

You Are A Worthless Child - Kikuo

Non-English songs are also welcomed :P.