Teacher.. I think I’m considering changing careers to nursing!
Hi there! My husband asked me a serious question the other day when I was having a hard week at work— if you could do anything what would you do and I mentioned if I could go back in time I probably would’ve gone the medical field route….
I’ve been teaching for 8 years and I feel as each year goes I lose my passion more and more. I don’t mind the lather, rinse, repeat job… but each year, the parents, the kids, the administrators, and just education in general doesn’t get any better.. it’s getting worse..
I have said for a while I’m not grossed out by a lot, when students vomit, the smell is awful but I’m not about to throw up, when I smell sick poop or regular poop, I don’t want to vomit. When I see some gnarly pictures of crazy injuries— I think it’s cool and think damn the person that fixes that? So awesome! But since each year teaching is something I like to do but feel pretty “blah” about it… I’ve wondered maybe I should go for something I think I would truly enjoy and be good at. Of course, I definitely have seen that I would make more as a nurse than teacher but I’m really trying to do my research into the profession before diving in…
I have questions… 1. Is there a work life balance? 2. What is the day to day of a nurse? Truly. 3. Do you feel under appreciated? 4. Do you feel there are opportunities for growth? 5. How difficult is it to be working toward my associates to be an RN when I work full time and have a three year old at home? 6. Are there hospitals or doctors offices that will allow people to shadow nurses if they are strongly considering that profession?
I am genuinely asking.. I want the info and if there is a question you feel I should ask, tell me! I want to know it all… this would be a huge decision if I decided to go back to school. Thanks for all the input— I’m excited to hear from so many people!