looking for an old game
a long time ago when i was 4 years old i used to own an original xbox that my dad bought me to play on, i remember playing ssx tricky and another game on it. Sometime later my parents sold the xbox cause they thought i was learning too many curse words from the games on there. The reason i made this post is because im trying to find the other game i played with the little memory i have of it. It was a war game where i think it was pirates vs the army and i remember opening the game to somethhing that looked like a pirate map to select the game and stuff. something i remember is a pirate saying something about the army being “rabbid” which i imagine is something that makes the search easier. i never got far in the game but i remember the farthest i ever got was to this point that a train pulled up and a bunch of soilders came out. For now this is all the information i can remember but im hoping you guys can help me find this game.