New years Houseparty still going that started yesterday at 3pm (Rant)

Just venting. We have these people on our street a block up from us that will often throw obnoxiously loud house parties on any kind of event or the start/end of school holidays.

Seems to be run by some young looking adults or highschoolers.

They usually end it at 3-4am in the morning, but some of them seem to get out of control. One party, there were a bunch of drunk what appeared to be teens (or just out of high school) running down our street on the road, screaming and throwing things.

This new years, they did not end at 4am. No. They started at 3pm yesterday and are still going. Even louder. Still going as I type this, can still hear and feel all the vibrations from their shitty club music.

Mind you, we are a block down, but their music is so loud, it shakes our walls, and they infact seem to like turning it up even louder during bassy or beaty parts of a song. Sounded like an overhead jet at one point they turned it up so loud during the bassy and beaty part of whatever song was on at the time. It's all techno music you'd hear in a club, nothing but shitty techno for hours, with no break. No singing for most songs, just drills, bass and beats.

We are in the suburbs by the way.

At some point they got a microphone out and some idiot was saying nonsense into the microphone at full volume, it was like an announcement over a speaker.

Again, a block down and can hear everything like it's right next to us. Can't imagine the poor dudes living next to them.

I have not been able to sleep, at all because of the volume. Police were called, they turned down the music a fair bit around 1am, then at 2am, just turned it back up. Then 4am hit and they turned it up so loud the walls and ground shake hard when the bass drops. The drills are particularly bad.

How does a party go for that long? How are they not crashed? They are showing no signs of stopping anytime soon. Still plenty of people screaming and carrying on it seems.

Sometimes these neighbours as well, like to watch movies using those speakers, at full volume, at 1-5am, watching marathons. I don't know what kind of speakers they have, but they must be pretty heavy duty to be able to be so god damn loud.

Just frustrates me people are such dickheads, I get it's New years and all, but tone it the hell down after New years actually ends? Or maybe at 10pm?

This is not the first time police have been called and they ignored them, but I guess they just don't care enough.

ETA: For those who haven't read the comments as a longterm solution moving forward, I'll be keeping journal of the instances as suggested by some of the users in the thread, and reporting it to the council formally. This seems like the best way to go in terms of an actual solution.