Ratings and rating bad albums/artists

I want to start a discussion about something that has been on my mind recently and hear your thoughts.

My rating average is 3.69. I mostly have 2.5-5 star ratings. 2.5 being neutral/"on the fence", 3.0 being fine/OK/good, 3.5 being really good, 4.0 being great, 4.5 being amazing and 5.0 being favorites.

Now, I have like 5% of rated albums in the 0.5-2.0 area. And they are all basically the "lesser" albums by the artists I follow. You know, like Cut the Crap by The Clash or something like that. And that got me thinking. I see people giving a lot of bad ratings and having averages like 3.00 or below, which is kind of insane to me.

I really find it hard spending time listening to something I don't like or have a feeling I won't like, let alone familiarize myself with the album enough to properly rate it. Even then, I can't seem to decide if it's like 0.5 or 1.5 and so on. (right now, I have 2.0 as mediocre/inoffensively bad which is a useful rating but then the other ones are tricky, 1.5 is bad, 1.0 is really bad lmao and 0.5 horrible) It becomes really tough and meaningless to differentiate between those ratings. I'm thinking of getting rid of 1.5 and just making 1.0 bad and 0.5 horrible, but then again idk. All of this made me go on a binge of one of the bands that I know I don't like (Maroon 5), only to use those ratings once in a while, and hoo boy I really don't like that band (although, I'll admit that the debut surprised me with it just being mediocre, and not all that shit).

Anyways, I know all of this is overthinking it and that rating stuff should be fun, because ultimately, reducing an album to a single score is ridiculous (in my opinion at least). It's just a vague and fickle measurement of my enjoyment of the music. But I just wanna see how you guys approach these things. Do you think I'm being overly positive with my scores? How do you approach rating bad albums? Users with low rating averages, did you just decide to be more critical, or are your standards of "good music" geniunely higher?

Also, do you guys sometimes give up if you find the first few tracks unlistenable and rate it 0.5/1.0 (because I did that with one Maroon 5 album) and do you find that valid? I personally do, even if it may not seem all that fair, but when an album is just horrible for the first 4 tracks/15 minutes or so, I don't think it "deserves" my attention anymore, even if latter tracks may be better. It's like too little, too late.

Sorry for the rant, looking forward to hearing your thoughts.