Quick feedback report (if devs ever read this)
I've over 200 ingame hours and completed everything in nightmare in solo and 4p multi. I play on PC (Steam).
Overall I think the game is wonderful : gameplay-wise it's very fluid and skilled, character signature is impressive, DA is amazing, a lot of work has also been put in the musics & voices.
However I wanted to share my thoughts about the following inherent game mechanics & features that feel kind of 'broken by design' once you get used to the game:
- Reset aggro: The way you take aggro is fine (mobs first have an alert mode, when they get close to other mobs they aggro them too etc.). The way you reset aggro is not and the "leashed" mechanic feels broken. The fact that you can aggro one or several mobs to a camp, fight them until 10% life and have them simply vanishing, preventing you from getting xp while participating to turn the tide against your favor during their entire health pool, seems very unfair (especially in nightmare). I've never seen such mechanic implemented in any game, roguelike in particular. Because this happens only when you deal with mobs that stand around camps, a new rule could be set where mobs hit by the player aggro on a longer distance (1.5x the standard for ex). Slightly reducing the standard 'reset aggro' distance could be a thing too.
- Chest item pool: The weight settings that govern the distribution of common/rare/epic items within each type of chest (white/yellow/red) can lead to situations that do not make sense. Example: when you open a red chest (even in third act), you can end up having 2 common items and 1 rare item (thus no epic item). Same with white chests, sometimes they do not include common items at all. IMO the existence of a clear chest typology (white/yellow/red) associated with mob camp difficulty make these extreme roll possibilities very contradictory by design. Stars of fate, Tamatebako and/or Whishing wells existence are not relevant answers either. Why? Because most runs are obviously far from perfect runs where you have time do all objectives (especially in nightmare), and the core philosophy in a time-restrained game like Ravenswatch is to learn to adapt your local, tactical decisions in order to build an efficient and reliable path routine that will make you win each run. Yet big part of these tactical questions revolve around asking yourself 'should I prioritize this red chest instead of this white chest to complete my item set?'. Hence, when you end up in act 3 not completing epic item sets that you started in act 1, despite having prioritized all red chests, just because those red chests didn't present any epic items at times, it can be immensely frustrating. Tweaking the weight settings to at least guarantee an epic/common item in each red/white chest list respectively could help fixing this kind of issue. Btw yellow chests are completely fine mixing every type of items, it seems 'fair'.
- Hitboxes: I believe some hitboxes are kind of 'deceptive', and it's a shame because it doesn't seem intentional. Among those 'wider hidden hitboxes', I will mention day nightmares burrows & night nightmares missiles, and Cultist healers attack. I can swear multiple times I was out of the hitbox and still got hit (and those attacks are run killers). Ofc it's not a big big deal, maybe an ultimate check can be performed on hitboxes?
- Clear bug: This one is a small one but still. When you complete an item set, the reward banner at the top of the screen prevents you from tp on some waypoints on the map (you can't click on them at all). Because you always complete an item set once you got rid of a camp or at the shopkeeper, it happens all the time that you need to tp during the banner display. And it's frustrating because it makes you lose 5 seconds in a very time restrained game.
Again amazing game, and I wouldn't have take the time to share all these thoughts if I didn't love it in the first place. Thank you for your attention!