It Sometimes Feels Like This Game Is Just Fighting My Attempts To Enjoy It At Every Turn
Why can I not just freely loot the corpses of enemies I kill in story missions without having to worry about invisible timers or radiuses causing mission failures and undoing the 15 minutes I spent looting all said enemies? So many times I want to go explore something or loot or search, as I am prone to do in video games, and the game either punishes me for it or aggravates me by having whatever companion I’m forced to accompany on the mission never shut the fuck up about hurrying up, or force me to ride at a snailpace while I listen to their bleeding hearts sobstories that they feel justifies their life of crime and makes them “so different” from all the other criminals out there…
I honestly just hate the main missions so much, they just seem to follow the same exact formula and pan out the same way every damn time. What’s the point in giving us the faux choice of a stealthy option when it always just results in a shootout anyway?
I hate the gang. I hate constantly being forced to walk at a snailpace in large areas of the map. I hate how restrictive the gameplay is in these segments and it’s such a huge chunk of the game.