Underrated and interesting historical settings
What are historical settings that you think would make really cool backdrop for a one shot or even a campaign?
Either the actual historical period straight up, or a genre fiction twist on it, or taking the aesthetic of particular period and applying it to a secondary world fantasy setting.
While there are definitely RPG‘s that deal with this, I think the bronze age in general is really underrated historical period and makes for some great sword and sorcery or sword and sandal game play. I’ve been reading the Iliad as part of my New Year’s resolution to read more classic literature, and it’s got me itching to run a Greek mythology themed campaign. In addition to this, I’ve also been on a Robert E Howard Completionist run and I’ve been really digging into the Conan stories. I’d even go as so far as to say I think bronze age is a better default setting for typical fantasy type stuff then medieval.
I’m also a big fan of diesel punk. Personally, I prefer it to steampunk or cyberpunk, but that’s more of a taste thing. Really big fan of pulp action.
Again, when I say underrated, I don’t mean literally nobody plays this or there are RPG systems that exist the address the genres, I’m more mean historical periods that are underplayed in your opinion.