Rooting with Water technique in bathtub...

Has anyone attempted this before? My intuition guided me to fill the bath tub with just enough Water to lay down some red & black lava rock, with a sprinkle of Stone Eaters soil mix as a little mound/mountain... planning to leave them barely submerged like this for 2 days, then 1 Day out of Water, then 2 days on Water again, then 1 day out, 2 in.. and repeat cycle until the roots are teased enough to shoot out... then i will plant outside by the front door, as he is afterall The Gatekeeper... 🗝
Currently in North Florida, Winter is approaching, so i think he'll do just fine out here ... any suggestions are greatly appreciated ... thanks! 💚🫶 Aho Mitakuye Oyasin

Has anyone attempted this before? My intuition guided me to fill the bath tub with just enough Water to lay down some red & black lava rock, with a sprinkle of Stone Eaters soil mix as a little mound/mountain... planning to leave them barely submerged like this for 2 days, then 1 Day out of Water, then 2 days on Water again, then 1 day out, 2 in.. and repeat cycle until the roots are teased enough to shoot out... then i will plant outside by the front door, as he is afterall The Gatekeeper... 🗝
Currently in North Florida, Winter is approaching, so i think he'll do just fine out here ... any suggestions are greatly appreciated ... thanks! 💚🫶 Aho Mitakuye Oyasin