Unhappiness and a gender identity crisis saga continues.

After Christmas I was decently happy then around the 27 everything fell apart for some reason and now it’s the first and I’m sad again. Or maybe I’m not sad? To be honest I don’t know what I’ve been feeling since December of 2021. Puberty hit me like a son of a bitch I’ve been struggling with a gender identity crisis since I genuinely don’t know when, I genuinely don’t know when this started. I don’t know if I’m, non binary, a femboy, trans, or just gaslighting myself into believing myself to not be cis. When will this dysphoria fueled gender crisis twisting and turning tornado of fucking bullshit end?

My body is full of hair it makes me disgusted. Maybe I’m just lying to myself to attention. This was supposed to be a silly vent about how I’ve become more unhappy, now it’s just divulged into a gender crisis cluster fuck of venting.

I most likely have imposter syndrome…

After Christmas I was decently happy then around the 27 everything fell apart for some reason and now it’s the first and I’m sad again. Or maybe I’m not sad? To be honest I don’t know what I’ve been feeling since December of 2021. Puberty hit me like a son of a bitch I’ve been struggling with a gender identity crisis since I genuinely don’t know when, I genuinely don’t know when this started. I don’t know if I’m, non binary, a femboy, trans, or just gaslighting myself into believing myself to not be cis. When will this dysphoria fueled gender crisis twisting and turning tornado of fucking bullshit end?

My body is full of hair it makes me disgusted. Maybe I’m just lying to myself to attention. This was supposed to be a silly vent about how I’ve become more unhappy, now it’s just divulged into a gender crisis cluster fuck of venting.

I most likely have imposter syndrome…