Daughter has never been sick
I’ve been a little overboard on trying to keep my daughter from getting sick. To date she’s been congested once, and not even a fever has happened. She’s 2 years old, well 27 months old.
I caught covid from a patient (ER RN) while I was pregnant, and it gave me an insane amount of anxiety. I was supposedly sterile from cancer treatments as a child and had made it to 33 without a single pregnancy. I’ve been a touch on the germaphobe side since she was born premature as well. I’ve gotten some therapy to help with that. Growing up in a children’s cancer hospital gave me a little more trauma/baggage than I realized. It manifested itself when I got my pregnancy confirmation.
She’s not a small sickly child. I guess all the supplements I took while pregnant worked. She’s 97th percentile in height and 94th in weight.
I know I’m in for an unholy amount of illnesses when she goes to preschool. What should I do, or what supplies do you all suggest? How screwed am I?