Janish? Unpopular opinion. Gets a bad rap here...

Most of you cringe, but I love when she's on screen. She's awkward and deplorable, a faker and user who isn't always so self aware.

BUT thru her we get to see who Tony maybe would be if born female. And her conversations with Tony: they are the ONLY two characters who set aside the polite fictions that everybody else trades in. They keep it real and I love it. Very siblinglike.

Amazing writing, astonishing performance. Via her character we get some of the finest comedy (Liv's funeral) and most subtle (I lived in Seattle!) Not to mention the darkest: (He usually, after all, takes the clip out.)

And the look on Richie Apprile's face when she plugs him one in the chest (after his last ziti, btw?) Priceless.