Reading assassins blade first makes a difference.

New to the series, and I first started off with throne of glass. Got to around the first murder and got the urge to read the assassins blade l, so I did. Now that I've finished that and started throne of glass all over again, what a difference it makes! I didn't really feel bad for celaena at first, she did a crime, she got punished. It was a bad punishment, but still. Now after reading what really happened and going back to read it, wow. I feel so bad for her. And the whole "I will not be afraid" line 💔 so sad! I feel like I'm more into this series now reading the assassins blade first. I was told it was best to read it, what, third or fourth maybe? I havnt got that far so I don't know what the significance of reading it thay far is, but im happy I read it first. Clears things up a bunch. I dont want to spoil it for anyone that hasn't read it but I thought her and a certain someone were still close reading throne of glass first but reading the ending of assassins blade and seeing what this person did to her, nope. I was wrong.