How to elevate your style/appearance to look your age?

So I’m 22, but there are people who tell me I look 17 which isn’t bad whatsoever (sunscreen wearer and wellness girlie), but sometimes I want to really look my age or more womanly. I have certain experiences that kind of solidify this like being asked out by high schoolers.

For example, yesterday a friend and I went to go shopping at the mall and I got asked out 17 year old. This isn’t the first time this has happened either. I let him know how old I was and everything was fine, but it kind of made me wonder if my style, makeup, hair, etc are making me not look my age.

I have pretty basic/simple style, I wear no makeup-makeup, and I have knotless braids. I don’t think looking a little younger is bad, but it made me think about if there’s something I could do to seem more womanly I guess.

I would never take being perceived as a little younger than I am as bad (if anything, it’s kind of a compliment), but sometimes with these experiences, I can’t help but wonder if men my age think I’m too young. That and just not feeling bad put together as some women my age look. I would appreciate any advice, tips, or even if you can relate. Thank you!