$TSLA Puts: $800k in realized gains since Feb 19th. $274k to $1.39MM in less than a year


I started my $TSLA short position 83 days ago and timed the top of the market (you can check my comments), opening $480p. I closed them and eventually entered back in aggressively starting 20 days ago when the stock price was at $350/share.

I've officially closed my puts, most recently holding 325x $200p Aug 15 puts. Today alone, I made $396k from the TSLA puts.

Other notable plays was $100k of $QBTS while it was under $1/share after I read an article about Chinese researchers cracking encryption using their tech. I made around $300k before closing my position.

Fidelity is a great platform, but their charting takes 24 hours to update and they remove gain/loss if you close the position completely, but you can see my performance in the below pictures.

As a side note, the massive decline in November was associated with IWM puts that got massively underwater from the Trump pump. I held through that entire pump and decline, and was down as much as 80% at one point, before closing for a little loss of 15%.


1 Year Performance

5 Year Performance

The negative -$83k is shown because I've withdrawn more money than I've put into the accounts.

As a former TSLA die hard, and owner of 2 Tesla cars, a giant FUCK YOU to Elon. I sincerely hope you lose everything, and it makes me feel fantastic knowing that my retirement is secured because of your shitty behavior.