Anyone else surprised Jade wasn't revealed to be the true Elora Danan?

I was shocked Elora remained "Elora" and we weren't given a major twist by the end of the season by being told Jade was the true Elora all along. It felt like the hints were truly piling up:

  • Willow's whole thing is misdirection. Sure he's claimed the title of "sorcerer" and has real power, but his on-screen abilities and personality would always pair magic with some sort of illusion or trickery. He was trained initially through shapeshifting magic, but ultimately used the "disappearing pig trick" to screw with Bavmorda's head so intensely she knocked over her own ritual in sheer shock. Not only hiding Elora, but having it turn out that's not even the real Elora and he tricked the true Empress into tagging along so he could keep an eye on her.. that was a Willow worthy trick I was expecting.
  • Willow revealing Elora's birthmark could have also easily been him conjuring it on someone who wasn't Elora, so I didn't take that as proof.
  • So many times the script had characters mention to Elora how her hair wasn't red. There was the dye reasoning, but I presumed that was something just told to the child and to misdirect the audience. To have that kind of go nowhere and only show up as progressively re-dyed hair was pretty lame.
  • Jade, the other actual red haired character in the party also has no parents, doesn't know her heritage, was trained to defend herself from an early age, is naturally brave and noble, and is way more interesting of a character. The fact that she wasn't Elora just kind of feels like poor casting paired with clunky writing.
  • A major backbone of the Willow franchise is that magic can be within anyone, even the least expected. I didn't take Elora's magical abilities to be proof positive. I took it as Willow putting effort into mentoring magic out of someone to complete the narrative/misdirection. He would presumably mentor anyone, especially with the fate of the world on the line. Which I took to be why he was hammering the "nobody baker girl" so hard. If he could conjure some magic out of her it would help sell the ruse and keep the true Elora (who he was also keeping close by) safe. It would be a letdown to the baker girl (whatever her name was beforehand) to find out she was being tricked, but Willow also inspired true magical talent out of her.
  • Jade (Elora in this hypothetical) falling in love with Madmartigan's daughter also felt so appropriate. Each of them protecting the other. What we got was Elora falling in love with MM's son, but we never got to see their relationship. It was a fast romance with a characters they established as a womanizer and a naive kitchen servant. That never held much weight, we didn't see them together much for character development, and never felt worthy of a quest.